Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Barry Graduated Basic Military Training!

Airman Moore

Hey ya'll! Sorry I've been missing from blogging for about 2 months. I have been so busy! Barry left to go to BMT (Basic Military Training) to become an Airman in the world's greatest Air Force, I graduated college, and of course life just flies on by. Anyways, this post is going to be ALL about my wonderful husband. I have never been more proud in my life than I did this weekend. 

February 25, 2016

This was the first time I was able to see my husband in 7.5 weeks. I was so ready to see him! I was so anxious that morning and when I saw him I literally screamed! The first thing they did that morning was an Airman's run. I saw Barry right as he passed because he had told me in a previous phone call that he bought a blue hoodie and he was wearing it! He looked so handsome and proud. 

After the Airman's run they went back to their dorms showered, and changed into their ABU's. The next thing on the schedule was their coin ceremony! I was so ready for this because right after this I was able to hug my man. I couldn't wait! I was getting so antsy. Finally the ceremony was over and I got my hug and kiss!


The moment we wrapped our arms around each other, I started bawling. It was so beautiful. Being able to feel his touch for the first time in 2 months was the best thing ever. 

After this, we took pictures with our family, Barry got his gifts, we walked around the base, and my mom went to get us Whataburtger (per Barry's request) LOL, and we just enjoyed being together again. 

(his mom & aunt)

(Reading what was engraved on the back of his fossil watch)


(talking each other ears off!)

 February 26, 2016

The next day was the Graduation Parade, and they got to wear their blues! Barry was chosen to lead his whole flight for the parade! He was the person in the front marching them in. I was SO proud. I always told him he was going to be a leader. After the parade, I got to tap him out again. Then we were able to see his dorm, where he was living for the past 7.5 weeks! Finally after this we were able to take him off base! He wanted In-N-Out and wanted to go to the movies. We saw Ride Along 2 :)

(leading his flight)

(his bed)

(his closet)

(all of his letters)

(he wanted burgers again)

February 27th & February 28th 

The next two days we were able to spend a lot of alone time together. Just being with him again made me feel so warm and happy inside. He is truly my best friend. We went to breakfast with his mom and aunt, looked for boots, and just hung out at the hotel. We really liked just relaxing together. Sunday, we went to the church on base. It was so amazing to see where he has been going to church since he has been there. I was so grateful to be able to worship our God together again. Then we went bowling, my mom brought us pizza and we were able to eat it in the park (it was beautiful out), and we just relaxed together some more before we had to say our see ya laters.


(right before we had to say our see ya laters)

This weekend was one of the best weekends of my life. I never wanted it to end. Time went by so fast. Next stop for Barry is California and then we will be moving together in July. We don't know where we will be moving but God knows where we need to be and He will place us there. I am BEYOND proud of Barry. I thank God for him everyday. 

{Be strong and courageous, for the Lord will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9}

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